A noise impact assessment is a type of consultancy that allows us to predict the amount of noise pollution created by constructions such as wind farms.
Thanks to this assessment, it is possible to determine whether the proposed
project meets the legal noise emission limits of the chosen area and adjacent areas. There are two different types of noise impact assessments. One is a predictive noise impact assessment carried out prior to construction, and the other assesses existing constructions.
A noise impact assessment must be performed by qualified technicians and specialists in environmental acoustics, such as the professionals we have SOAVE Engineering.
What the assessment consists of:
Predictive Noise Study
Uses accurate measurements to predict diurnal and nocturnal noise (in the case of nocturnal activities, the legal limits are 10 dB lower than diurnal limits), and with this data we can consider possible noise mitigation interventions.
The assessment is divided into the following phases:
- Study on the current state of the affected area and its complete acoustic mapping;
- Predict noise pollution generated by the new intervention
- Identify potential remediation measures and determine relative consequences on acoustics;
- Recommend most appropriate solution.
After the predictive noise impact assessment, a final inspection is carried out to verify the design assumptions.
- Noise impact assessment applied to existing conditions.
In a noise impact assessment of an existing infrastructure or business, noise levels are measured and the results must comply with Decree 16 March 1988 according to two possible scenarios:
- Measurement of noise levels outside
- Measurement of noise levels inside a closed environment.